The title of this blog may seem ambitious at first. It is indeed a reference to a high calling, but perhaps not what it seems. In the history of pastoral ministry, the "cure of souls" is a reference to pastoral care. "Cure", in this instance, is a reference to "care"; the "Care of Souls". And this is the pastor-shepherd's calling: to care for those souls God has entrusted to him. I hope that for many years to come God will grant me the privilege of caring for the souls at All Saints Presbyterian. I hope that through sharing the gospel with neighbors and through the normal growth of young families, All Saints will grow strong and come to reflect the kingdom of God as it is represented in Brentwood. My prayer is that this church will be filled with broken sinners who are quick to repent, quick to forgive, and eager to love. And I pray that they will be this way because the gospel and the Word of God has been their steady diet. I hope that they will be well fed and so be filled with the knowledge of God so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. And I hope that our community will see how they love one another and so know that they are Jesus' disciples. It won't be perfect. No church is on this side of heaven. But we can reach for it, and pray for it, and lean on one another as we limp toward it. This is going to be hard. And a joy.